
Entries in this years competitions can be sumitted on the night of the competiton.

Competition secretary  Michael Collinson.

October 16th 2023  “One Minute Advert”

January 22nd 2024  “Animation, Slow Motion or Time Lapse”


Create a film  using Animation, slow motion or time lapse techniques

The majority of the work must be your own.

There is no time limit to this film .

Marks are given as 50% for entertainment & 50% for post production

March 4th 2024 “Open”

April 29th  2024 “Film on a Theme”


Create a film from a title given to you

The majority of the work must be your own.

There is no time limit to this film .

Marks are given as 50% for entertainment & 50% for post production

June 10th 2024  “Ron Palmer Documentary”